Shadow Advertising and Communication Pvt. Ltd. has stood as a pioneer agency with a foothold in 20 states of India.
We have successfully managed assigned advertising and marketing activities; majority of the events include various Government and Premium Companies.
A Glimpse of salient projects by us are encapsulated below.
⇔ “Tribal Conclave” mega event in 2014 at Jamshedpur for Tata Steel- Tribal Cultural Society.
⇔State level tribal children festival “Sargiful” from 2014 to 2018 for STSC Development Deptt., Govt. of Odisha
⇔State level tribal exhibition “Adivasi Mela” from 2016 to 2019 for STSC Development Deptt., Govt. of Odisha
⇔Asia’s biggest & largest cattle fair “Sonepur Mela” in 2015 for Directorate of Tourism, Govt. of Bihar
⇔“Rajgir Mela” in 2015 at Nalanda, for Directorate of Tourism, Govt. of Bihar
⇔Inaugural awareness campaign for “BBC Action Media, Odisha” in 2013
⇔Inaugural conclave campaign (Consisting 2000 participants) for “Poorest Area Civil Society-PACS” (funded by DFID, UK Govt.), Odisha in 2014 & 2015
⇔“Inaugural awareness campaign” for Futures Group (funded by DFID, UK Govt.), Odisha in 2014
- Organized several State and National Level Government events, graced by Hon'ble Chief Minister & Hon'ble Governor of the state.
- Materialized various Rural campaigns under MNC Dupont Pioneer in nearly 90K villages of 7 states from 2009 to 2013.
- Made temporary arrangements for accommodating more than 1 lakh pilgrims at Puri during Nabakalebar in the year 2015 under Works Deptt., Govt. of Odisha.
- Organization of 56th Mining Safety Week by OMC, which included Hospitality of more than 3000 participant and delegates from various Mining Sectors.