Odisha MSME International Trade Fair 2020

A platform for Micro, Small, Medium #Entrepreneurs & innovators to Explore Business Opportunities in #Odisha
Date: 8th January to 12th January

Location: IDCO Exhibition Ground, UNIT III, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Organized by: MSME Department, Government of Odisha | Director of Industries, Odisha | Directorate of Export Promotion & Marketing, Odisha | Odisha Small Industries Corporation Ltd
In collaboration with: Development Commissioner, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India| The National Small Industries Corporation Ltd.-NSIC


Odisha MSME International Trade Fair 2020 comprised of 4 Hangars with 70 stalls in each hangar for the display of #MSME products, Buyer-Seller Meet, Technology demonstration, Startup, Innovation, Marketing avenue for women #entrepreneurs through World Trade Centre(#WTC) and Sectoral Seminars will be organized. Besides foreign delegates from Iran (20 Companies) and Bangladesh (10 Companies) participated in the trade fair for business networking. There were 28 stalls for Departments and their support organizations (both Central and State) like MSME-DI, KVIC, NSIC, FIEO, EEPC, MPEDA, ECGC, CEPC, Cashew Export Promotion Council, Coir Board, Nationalised Banks, DTET, OCCC Ltd., OKVIB, ORTSSS Ltd., OSIC Ltd.

A dedicated Hangar comprising of 70 stalls was erected for accommodating the International Participants, PSUs like #NALCO#MCL, etc.

Cultural programs on the art & heritage of Odisha were conducted by eminent artists of the State every evening during the Trade Fair period.

Seminars/Workshops :

1. “Implementation of Marketing Policy for Growth of MSMEs” by Orissa Small Scale Industries Association (OSSIA)
2. “Industrial Waste Management” by Odisha Industries Association (OIA) 3. “Artificial Intelligence, Fragrance & Flavors And Technology Intervention For Future of MSMEs & Startups” by Odisha Assembly of Small and Medium Enterprises (OASME)
4. “Ease of Doing Business & Sustenance of MSMEs” by Odisha Young Entrepreneurs Association (OYEA)
5. “Agri-Food Processing Industries – Opportunities & Challenges” by Odisha Industries Federation (OIF) – All India Food Processors’ Association – AIFPA

#TradeFair#Exhibition #GovtOfOdisha